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Episode 5 of #slowtofast: Stanley Wood from Spotify on innovation, design principles and culture

Welcome to episode number five of #slowtofast, a podcast in which we share our thoughts, ideas and experiences in product development of a fast moving digital business. Normally, we are Marcus Castenfors, Head of Product Design and Dennis Hettema, Chief Innovation Officer at Nordnet.

But in this episode, Dennis is replaced with our first guest in #slowtofast: Spotify’s Design Director Stanley Wood. Since this episode is hosted by two product designers, it’s all about – you’ve guessed it – product design. Marcus and Stanley dig deep into the design process, how to be innovative, align a design language and achieve consistency in user experience.

How to be innovative in design

Stanley shares a story of a design process that failed completely, and what he learned from that experience. Basically the story is about not working with design and innovation in isolation from the rest of the organization, but instead to work towards common goals.

Stanley, not only a designer but also a big music fan, shares his experience from working at one of the hottest companies in Sweden. He lets us in on some of their design principles, how they come up with great ideas and how to have speed in product design and development.

Listen to the episode

Listen to #slowtofast via Podcaster, Soundcloud or lots of other apps. Or directly here:


Good To Great, by Jim Collins [book]
5 second test

If you want to follow Stanley on Twitter, here he is: @hellostanley.

What should we talk about next?

Let us know what to talk about next, by writing a comment below or using the hashtag #slowtofast on Twitter…or send us a fax 😉 +46 8 506 33 065.

Thanks for listening,

Marcus and Dennis

Follow us on Twitter: @mcastenfors and @dhettema

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