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Episode 8 of #slowtofast:  “The Agile episode”, featuring the Agile rock star Mattias Skarin

This episode is for all you Agile geeks out there.

Dennis and our special guest Mattias Skarin from Crisp go all out nerd about using Agile to the fullest. Whether you want to get started with Agile, or if you’re already using the method, there is tons of value to take from the episode.

What you’ll learn

Some examples of things that you will take away from listening:

  • The essential elements of proper Product Management
  • The management principles of an Agile leader
  • How the Swedish culture is beneficial for using Agile
  • How to get started with an Agile transition
  • How to make an Agile culture stick
  • How to handle failure

Listen to the episode

Listen to #slowtofast using your podcast app of preference.

We’re on Soundcloud, iTunes, Stitcher and many others.


The Crisp blog [Link]

“Real world Kanban” , book by Mattias Skarin [Link]

“Kanban and Scrum — making the most of both”, book by Mattias Skarin & Henrik Kniberg [Link]

“The slicing cheat sheet” by Mattias Skarin [Link]

WIP limit [Link]

The Happiness Metric [Link]

Continous Integration [Link]

What should we talk about next?

Let us know what to talk about next, by writing a comment below or using the hashtag #slowtofast on Twitter…or send us a fax +46 8 506 33 065.

Thanks for listening,

Marcus and Dennis

Follow us on Twitter: @mcastenfors and @dhettema

Image credits: Wikipedia, Jeff.lasovski

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