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Screw it! Let’s try it! – Episode 2 of #slowtofast

Welcome to episode number two of #slowtofast, a podcast in which we share our thoughts, ideas and experiences in product development in a fast moving digital business. We are Marcus Castenfors, Head of Product Design and Dennis Hettema, Chief Innovation Officer at Nordnet.

“Screw it! Let’s try it!”

In this episode we discuss something that every company struggles with: what tools to use. Dennis argues that tools should always be submissive to the process. The conversation turns a bit existential when Marcus opens up and speaks about the flipside of being a design manager. Marcus also tells the story of AirBnB’s road to success and Dennis talks about creating a “bullshit free zone”.

Listen to the episode

Listen to #slowtofast via Podcaster, Soundcloud or lots of other apps. Or directly here:


As always, we use a lot of terms and references. Dive in to our world using these links:

The Head Of Google X Reveals Its Anti-Technology Mission Statement

Multitasking Name Game

Value stream mapping (Wikipedia)

Pomodoro Technique (Wikipedia)

The medium is the message (Wikipedia)

Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005 (YouTube)

Scaling Airbnb with Brian Chesky

Radical Candor — The Surprising Secret to Being a Good Boss

What should we talk about next?

Let us know what to talk about next, by writing a comment below or using the hashtag #slowtofast.

Thanks for listening,

Marcus and Dennis

Follow us on Twitter: @mcastenfors and @dhettema

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